6 Common Buttons/Icons

This topic provides the information about all the common buttons/icons used in the application.

The list of common buttons and icons are described as follows.

Table 6-1 List of Buttons/Icons

Button/Icon Description
New Creates a new record for the selected screen.
Query View all the configured records for the selected screen.
Unlock Unlock the configured record for the selected screen.
Search Search the configured record and select the required record for the selected screen.
Copy Copy the configured record, modify the details, and save with a different name for the record.
Delete Remove the configured record for the selected screen.
Reopen Reopens a closed record for the selected screen.
Close Closes the configured record for the selected screen.
Print Prints the configured record for the selected screen.
Authorize Authorizes the configured record for the selected screen.
Reject Rejects the configured record for the selected screen.
Collapse Minimises the opened screen to the bottom left corner of the screen.
Remove Closes the opened screen.
Audit Check the history of the configured records for the selected screen.
Save Save the configured record for the selected scree
Cancel Discard the configured record before saving it.

Table 6-2 Symbols and Icons - Common

Symbol/Icon Function
Minimize Minimize
Maximize Maximize
Close Close
Search Perform Search
Open List Open a list

Date Range

Date Range
Add Record Add a new record
First Record Navigate to the first record
Last Record Navigate to the last record
Previous Record Navigate to the previous record
Next Record Navigate to the next record
Grid View Grid view
List View List view
Refresh Refresh
Add row Click this icon to add a new row.
Delete row Click this icon to delete a row, which is already added.
Calendar Calendar
Alerts Alerts

Unlock Option

Unlock Option

View Option

View Option

Reopen Option

Reopen Option

Table 6-3 Symbols and Icons – Audit Details

Symbol/Icon Function
User A user
Date and Time Date and time
Unauthorized or Closed status Unauthorized or Closed status
Authorized or Open status Authorized or Open status

Rejected status

Rejected status

Table 6-4 Symbols and Icons - Widget

Symbol/Icon Function
Open status Open status
Unauthorized status Unauthorized status

Rejected status

Rejected status
Closed status Closed status
Authorized status Authorized status

Modification Number

Modification Number

Table 6-5 Symbols and Icons - Dashboard

Symbol/Icon Function

Bar Chart

Bar Chart

Donut Chart

Donut Chart

Table View

Table View



Move Widgets

Move Widgets

