Payment Service API REST Endpoints

Instruments Receivables Services/Payment Service API
This service provides APIs to perform operations on Payment Transactions.
Authorize the Payment transaction
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/authorizePayment
Create the authorized Payment transaction through Netting
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/nettingPaymentTm
Create the excess payment for a reconciliation transaction
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/checkForExcessPayment
Create the new Payment in stage table
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/stagePayment
Create the Payment transactions
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/payments
Fetch the Excess Payment handling parameters
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/getExcessHandlingParameters
Fetch the Excess Payment transaction details
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/excessPaymentInq
Fetch the Payment transaction details from work table on basis of Payment Number
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/paymentTwSearchByNumber
Fetch the Payment transactions
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/paymentSearch
Fetch the payment transactions from main table on the basis of Payment Reference Number
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/getPaymentByPayRefNo
Fetch the Payment transactions from work table
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/paymentTwSearch
Fetch the payment transactions from work table on the basis of Payment Reference Number
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/getPaymentTwByPayRefNo
Fetch the Payment transactions which are in Processing state
Method: get
Path: /service/v1/getCurrentTwPayment
Post the payments from the stage to the main table after validation
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/mainPayment
Purge the payment transactions
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/purgePmtTransaction
Roll back Payment Invoice Tw Tm For Netting Failure
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/rollBackPaymentInvoiceTwTm
Roll-back the amount and status for payment and credit note
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/purgeInstrumentsRecon
Update the payment data after Invoice Payment Reconciliation
Method: patch
Path: /service/v1/invPayRecon
Update the Payment status after allocation
Method: post
Path: /service/v1/allocationStatus