Create the cash withdrawal transaction



This endpoint creates the cash withdrawal transaction.


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
Body ()
Request Body that contains data required for creating a new CashWithdrawal Entry
Root Schema : CashWithdrawalEntryRequestModel
Type: object
Collection of CashWithdrawal Request Model
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Nested Schema : CashWithDrawalEntryModel
Type: object
Cash Withdrawal Enquiry Model
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Nested Schema : cashWithdrawalEnquiryDenominationfFieldsData
Type: array
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Nested Schema : CashWithdrawalEnquiryDenominationFieldsModel
Type: object
Collection of CashWithdrawal Enquiry Denomination Fields Model
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful performs the operation
Body ()
Root Schema : CashWithdrawalEntryResponseModel
Type: object
Collection of CashWithdrawal Response Model
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Nested Schema : CashWithDrawalEntryModel
Type: object
Cash Withdrawal Enquiry Model
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Nested Schema : errors
Type: object
List Of Errors
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Nested Schema : cashWithdrawalEnquiryDenominationfFieldsData
Type: array
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Nested Schema : CashWithdrawalEnquiryDenominationFieldsModel
Type: object
Collection of CashWithdrawal Enquiry Denomination Fields Model
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Nested Schema : Error
Type: object
Error Model
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400 Response

Malformed syntax.

401 Response

Request does not have sufficient credentials.

403 Response

Request is not authorized.

500 Response

Internal error
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