1.3.1 Possible Issues While Deploying Services

This topic describes the possible issues that may occur while deploying services

Table 1-1 Environment Variables

Env Param Name Env Param Value Comments
obcm_role_id OBCM_ROLE the role id should be specified
obcmcashflow.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. Used for cashflow service to be enabled or disabled as required
obcmreport.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. Used for obcm report service to be enabled or disabled as required
obcmcollectionmaint.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. Used for collection maintenance service to be enabled or disabled as required
collectiontxn.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. Used for collection transaction service to be enabled or disabled as required
sms.app.locations db/migration/sms/obcm-cashflow-forecasting-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-alerts-services,db/migration/sms/obcm-cashflow-projection-services,db/migration/sms/obcm-collections-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obcm-collections-transaction-services,db/migration/sms/obcm-day0,db/migration/sms/obcm-report-services. If you don't want to run sms script for specific module, remove its entry. Used for sms
plato.app.locations db/migration/plato/obcm-day0,db/migration/plato/obcm-cashflow-forecasting-services,db/migration/plato/obcm-collections-maintenance-services,db/migration/plato/obcm-collections-transaction-services. If you don't want to run plato script for specific module, remove its entry. Used for plato services
cmc.app.locations db/migration/cmc/obcm-day0. If you want to run flyway cmc for other module, add complete path seprated by comma( , ). Used for cmc services
platoui.app.locations db/migration/platoui/obcm-day0. If you want to run flyway platoui for other module, add complete path seprated by comma( , ). Used for platoui services
platofeed.app.locations db/migration/platofeed/obcm-cashflow-forecasting-services. If you want to run flyway platofeed for other module, add complete path seprated by comma( , ). Used for platofeed services
branchId Default branch UUID BranchId needed
eureka.connectTimeout 10000 the connection timeout to be set
eureka.readTimeout 10000 the read timeout to be set
ribbon.connectTimeout 20000 the connection timeout to be set
ribbon.readTimeout 20000 the read timeout to be set
sms.app.locations db/migration/sms/obscfcm-account-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-alerts-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-auto-recon-batch,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-batch-jobs,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-charges-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-core-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-instruments-receivables-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-manual-recon-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-master-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-recon-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-report-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-workflow-management-services. If you don't want to run sms script for specific module, remove its entry. This is required only for Innovation -
kafka.port kafka.port=9092 kafka port no to be set
kafka.host kafka.host=<Host Name>.<Domain>.com kafka host to be set
zookeeper.port zookeeper.port=2181 zookeeper port no to be set
zookeeper.host zookeeper.host=<Host Name>.<Domain>.com zookeeper host to be set
user_id_2 SWETA userId to be set
zookeeper.host zookeeper.host= <zookeeper_host> zookeeper host to be set
eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone <http://discovery-service-url:port/plato-discovery-service/eureka> the default zone for eureka client serviceUrl needs to be set
obcm_role_desc some_description The role for obcm needs to be set
chatbot.url Url where chatbot service is hosted. For DEV: http://<Host Name>.<Domain>.com:8003 url needs to be specified for chatbot
oda.uri Url where chatbot service is hosted. For DEV: http://<Host Name>.<Domain>.com:8003 URI required
oda.channelid 569a0fbd-d1f4-4a9c-ad7c-86eab83bf957 ChannelId required
oda.secretkey a5TAAyLQFlD0kx0kD1dS41W7d67Hsi80 Secret Key required
oda.isoda Y Value would be Y or N
obscfcm_role_id OBSCFCM_ROLE Specify the role id for obscfcm
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscfcm.filter.service.appId OBSCFCMFILTER Specify the filter for obscfcm
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscf.core.service.appId SCFCORE Specify the appID
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscfcmalert.core.userId Alert Core User ID set the alert core userId
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscfcmalert.core.branchCode Alert Core Branch Code set alert core branch code
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscfcm.filter.service.appId Filer Service app id for alert reference set app id
obscfcmalert.db.jndi JDBC JNDI for Alert Services (eg: jdbc/OBSCFCM_ALERTS) set jndi name for obscfcmalert
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obscfcmalert.server.port Managed server listen port for target service port no to be set
user_login_id Default user login id. set user login id
branchId Default branch UUID set branch id
branchCode Default branch code. set branch code
obscfbatch.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmaccountmaintenance.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmautoreconbatch.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmcharges.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmcoreservices.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmfilterservices.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcminstrumentsservices.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmmanualrecon.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmmastermaintenance.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmreconmaintenance.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmreportservices.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
obscfcmworkflowmanagement.enabled Default is true. If you don't want to run domain flyway for this module make it false. You can set it to true or false
sms.app.locations db/migration/sms/obscfcm-account-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-alerts-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-auto-recon-batch,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-batch-jobs,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-charges-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-core-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-instruments-receivables-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-manual-recon-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-master-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-recon-maintenance-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-report-services,db/migration/sms/obscfcm-workflow-management-services. If you don't want to run sms script for specific module, remove its entry. Required for sms service
plato.app.locations db/migration/plato/obscfcm-day0,db/migration/plato/obscf-eod-batch,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-account-maintenance-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-auto-recon-batch,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-charges-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-core-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-filter-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-instruments-receivables-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-manual-recon-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-master-maintenance-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-recon-maintenance-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-report-services,db/migration/plato/obscfcm-workflow-management-services If you don't want to run plato script for specific module, remove its entry. Required for plato service
platoui.app.locations db/migration/platoui/obscfcm-instruments-receivables-services,db/migration/platoui/obscfcm-master-maintenance-services If you don't want to run platoui script for specific module, remove its entry. Required for platoui service
platofeed.app.locations db/migration/platofeed/obscfcm-core-services,db/migration/platofeed/obscfcm-instruments-receivables-services If you don't want to run platofeed script for specific module, remove its entry. Required for platofeed service
applicationCode Application Code Application code required
flyway.sms.placeHolders.applicationCode Application Code (OBSCF/OBCM/BOTH) on what kind of installation is in scope Application code required for sms
plato.jndi.resources.prefix Default is false. For tomcat env, value should be true You can set it to either true or false
eureka.connectTimeout 10000 the connection timeout to be set
eureka.readTimeout 10000 the read timeout to be set
ribbon.connectTimeout 20000 the connection timeout to be set
ribbon.readTimeout 20000 the read timeout to be set
flyway.domain.placeholders.obvam.service.branchCode Branch Code to connect to obvam system (eg. 006) -
flyway.domain.placeholders.obvam.service.userId User Id to connect to obvam system (eg. OBVAMUSER2) -
platoorch.domain.jndi JDBC JNDI for PLATOORCH (eg.&nbsp;jdbc/OBSCFCM_WORKFLOWS_CONDUCTOR) -
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.obpmBranchCode 240 obpm branch code required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.obpmSourceCode EXTSYS obpm source code required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.userId ANUB01 obpm code requireduserId
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.serviceConsumer OBSCFCM_OBPM obpm serviceConsumer required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.createPMSinglePayOut CreatePMSinglePayOut obpm singlePayout required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.obpmHostCode INDIA obpm HostCode required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.obpmLoanSourceCode OBSCF obpm LoanSourceCode required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obpm.service.createExternalConsumerLoan CreateExternalConsumerLoan obpm external consumer loan required
flyway.domain.placeholders.fcubsBranchId 0 branchId is necessary
user_id_2 SWETA userId is necessary
platobatch.db.jndi jdbc/PLATOBATCH platoBatch is to be specified
platobatch.app.locations db/migration/platobatch/obscfcm-batch-jobs required for platobatch service
eod.db.jndi jdbc/EOD specify the location
multi_entity_admin_user <Multi entity admin user> Specify multi entity admin user
multi_entity_user_email <Multi entity user email address> Specify the user email address
multi_entity_user_end_date <Multi entity user end date> Format: 'DD-MON-RR' Specify user end date
multi_entity_user_start_date <Multi entity user end date> Format: 'DD-MON-RR' Specify user start date
platosecurity.db.jndi JDBC JNDI for PLATOSECURITY (eg. jdbc/PLATO_SECURITY) specify jdbc details
flyway.domain.placeHolders.manualrecon.obvam.userid <User Id for manual recon obvam> userId required for manual recon
accounting.obvam.userid <User Id for accounting obvam> specify userid for accounting obvam
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc-ml-indb-services.server.port Managed server listen port for cmc-ml-indb-services specify server port
plato-rule-service.server.port Managed server listen port for target service specify the server port for target service
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obcbs.server.port Managed server listen port for target service specify the server port for target service
flyway.domain.placeHolders.plato.services.rule.uri http://<host:port>/rule-service specify the uri for rule service
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc-obcbs-services.schemas COMMON_CORE schema name common core schema name required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.plato.service.logging.path Log dir path logging path necessary
flyway.domain.placeHolders.plato.service.env Environment (eg: DEV) environment needed
flyway.domain.placeHolders.orch.cmc.brn Branch code(eg:004) Branch code specify
flyway.domain.placeHolders.orch.cmc.user orch user name orch user name needed
flyway.domain.placeHolders.orch.enableDynamicAllocation FALSE Dynamic allocation has been specified to false
flyway.domain.placeHolders.orch.enableSLA FALSE SLA has been specified to false
flyway.domain.placeHolders.report-service.hostname Hostname where plato-report-service is deployed. specify the hostname for report service
flyway.domain.placeHolders.report-service.domain.jndi JDBC JNDI for report services (eg: jdbc/REPORTSERVICE) specify jndi
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc.schemas COMMON_CORE schema name specify cmc schemas
flyway.domain.placeHolders.report-service.template-metadata-directory plato-reports template metadata dir. Eg: /scracth/work_area/application/plato-reports/template-metadata directory to be specified correctly
flyway.domain.placeHolders.report-service.output-directory plato-reports output dir. Eg: /scracth/work_area/application/plato-reports/output/ output directory path to be specified
flyway.domain.placeHolders.report-service.fop-config-file plato-reports configuration file. Eg: /scracth/work_area/application/plato-reports/fop.xconf plato report configuration file
plato.alerts.email.userId Source Email-Id through which alert will be sent. source Userid necessary
plato.alerts.email.password Password for source Email-Id encoded in base64 format. Specify the password
plato.services.eureka.uri http://<eureka host>:<eureka port> uri required for plato service
flyway.domain.placeHolders.opds.server.port Server listen port of cmc-opds-service (eg. 7005) server listen port to be specified
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc-opds-services.schemas Schema Name for cmc-opds-service (eg. COMMON_CORE) specify the schema name
flyway.domain.placeHolders.obcl_service_consumer OBSCF_OBCL or OBSCFCM_STUB (if OBCL system is missing like on Cloud so we use the stub) placeholder required
plato.services.eureka.uri http://<plato-config-service deployed host>:<plato-config-service listen port> specify the uri
flyway.domain.placeholders.INTEGRATION.ENABLED true if FCUBS integration is enabled, else false You can either specify true or false
flyway.domain.placeholders.cmc-deprecation-service.server.port <Listen port for deprecation service> port number needed
cmc-additional-attributes-services.server.port <Listen port for cmc-additional-attributes-services> port number needed
plato.services.kafka.brokers <kafkahost>:<port> host and port number needed
plato.services.kafka.brokers <kafkahost>:<port> host and port number needed
alerts.email.attachment.encryption.passKey XXX passKey to be specified
alerts.email.attachment.watermark.required FALSE You can either specify true or false
alerts.email.attachment.watermark.image.loc Y You can either specify true or false
flyway.domain.placeholders.cmc-mis-services.server.port <Managed server listen port of cmc-mis-services> port number needed
flyway.domain.placeholders.cmc-mis-services.jndi jdbc/CMNCORE jndi to be specified
flyway.domain.placeholders.cmc-mis-services.schemas COMMON_CORE schemas to be defined
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.ssl.truststore.location /scratch/kafka/ssl/KafkaServerTrustStore.jks or <path where jks file is stored on server> location to be given out for kafka
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.ssl.truststore.password oracle123 or <Password used for generating trust store> password to be given out for kafka
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.binder.jaas.options.username admin or <ZK user> specify username
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.binder.jaas.options.password admin-secret or <ZK password> password to be specified
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.binder.configuration.sasl.mechanism SCRAM-SHA-256 specify the mechanism
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.binder.configuration.security.protocol PLAINTEXT if Kafka is non-SSL, SASL_SSL is Kafka is SSL enabled. security protocol to be provided
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc-resourceclass-services.jndi jdbc/CMNCORE jndi to be specified
flyway.domain.placeHolders.cmc-resourceclass-services.schemas COMMON_CORE common core schema name required
flyway.domain.placeHolders.kafka.binder.jaas.loginModule org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule login modu;e to be given out