10 Process Codes

This topic describes the information about the various functional activity codes in Cash Management.

The following table represents the manual stages in Cash Management workflow along with the functional activity codes which can be used for mapping in the role activity screen under the SMS menu.

Table 10-1 Functional Activity Codes

Stage Functional Activity Code Description
Processing CMS_FA_MANUAL_ENRICHMENT This is the processing stage of instrument collection where the maker can submit/reject an entry of instrument. If the entry is rejected, the record will be deleted and if submitted, then the transaction will be sent to the Authorization stage.
Authorization CMS_FA_AUTHORISATION This is the authorization stage of instrument collection / instrument management, where the checker can approve/reject an entry of instrument.
Rework CMS_FA_CMSWK_REWORK If the checker rejects an entry, it goes to the rework stage where the maker can do the required modifications to the entry and submit it again.
Posting Accounting Entries Exception CMS_FA_POSTING_ACC_EXCEPTION This is the accounting-posting workflow stage exception, where posting to FCUBS fails due to errors. These errors need to be resolved.
Accounting Generation Exception CMS_FA_ACC_GEN_EXCEPTION This is the accounting-generation workflow stage exception, where accounting generation fails due to accounting setup errors. These accounting setup errors need to be resolved.


Refer the Role section in Oracle Banking Security Management System User Guide to understand the procedure for creating roles and assigning an activity to it.