3.11 Outbound File Generation Batch

Oracle Banking Collections has the capability to extract the data of the cured accounts and share it with the product processor in the form of pre-defined file format.

Job Name: obcr-outboundFileGeneration-batch

Setup Prerequisites

Dependent Batch/Job: Case Closure Batch

Multi-threaded: Yes

Multi-stream: Yes

URI : <protocol>:// obcr-entity-services/jobLauncher/runBatch/

Table 3-35 Mandatory Headers

Parameter Name Value Mandatory Description
userld ADMINUSER1 Yes User Id of the requesting user.
appld CRSEG Yes The application ID of the host service.
branchCode DMO Yes Branch Code of the requesting user.
entityId DEFAULTENTITY Yes Entity ID of the request.
Accept Application/json Yes Content Type of the request.

Specify following parameters while executing this batch:

Table 3-36 Parameters

Parameter Name Value Mandatory Description
runDate 01102023 Yes It must be in ddmmyyyy format.
branchCode DMO Yes Branch code of the project.
userId ADMINUSER1 Yes User id of the user.
overrideDate 2023-10-01 No It must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. It is required to run the batch for a specific day.
ProductProcessor “TPH” No Specific product processor code for which the outbound file is to be generated.
filePath "/scratch/work_area/OutFile" Yes It is the path on the server where the outbound file needs to be generated.

Success/Failure Details:

User can verify the record level status in DM_ACCOUNT_OUTBOUND_DRIVER table in CR_ENTITY schema. For a successful processing of a record, the below condition should be satisfied.

ERROR_CODE = ‘Success’ and PROCESS_RESULT = ‘1’