3.1.1 Account Details

Entity Name: ACCT

Description: This entity holds account related data from the product processor.

Data Sequence:
ACCT|Account Number|Account Opening Date|Product Type|Product Sub Type|Outstanding Amount|Overdue Amount|Days Past Due|Home Branch|Facility Id|Liability Id|System Account Status|Secured Flag|Insured Flag|Card Number|User defined Account Status|Accrual Status|Product Code|Asset Classification Code|Account Limit|Repayment Frequency|Un-Cleared Payment Amount|Maturity Date|Account Write Off Date|Account Write Off Amount|Loan Purpose Type|Loan Purpose Code|Date of last loan restructure|Account Currency Code|Delinquent|Delinquency Start Date|Disbursed Amount|Available for Disbursement|Non Starter|Interest Rate|Interest Type|Employee Account Flag|Minor Account Status|Probability of Default|Reason for Delinquency|Forced Reason|Forced Account Switch|Behavior Score|Application Score|Loan to Value Ratio|Loan to Value Ratio|Regulated Loan Flag|Account Title|IOA Amount|BICOE Flag|Date of First Default|Last DPD Update Date|Relationship Manager|Auto Pay Instruction|Chargeoff Date|Chargeoff Amount|No Of Times Reaged|No of Time Extended|No Of Times Deferred|No Of Times Renewed|No of Time Re-written|Account Reopen Date|Account Closed Date|Account Reopen Switch|Charge Off Primary Reason|Charge Off Secondary Reason|Recovery Score|Market Entity|Business Unit|Fees and Other Charge Bucket Amount|Insurance Bucket Amount|Interest Bucket|Principal Bucket Amount|Account Term|Non Due Fees Amount|Overdrawn Amount|Account Address|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5|udf6|udf7|udf8|udf9|udf10|udf11|udf12|udf13|udf14|udf15|udf16|udf17|udf18|udf19|udf20|udf21|udf22|udf23|udf24|udf25|udf26|udf27|udf28|udf29|udf30|udf31|udf32|udf33|udf34|udf35|udf36|udf37|udf38|udf39|udf40|udf41|udf42|udf43|udf44|udf45|udf46|udf47|udf48|udf49|udf50

Table 3-1 Account Details

Field Name Description Possible Values / Examples Data Type Data Length Required/Optional
Account Number Account Number as stored in Host Customer Account Number VARCHAR2 30 Required
Account Opening Date or Initial Disbursement Date

Term Loan: First Disbursement Date

OD: Date on which OD facility is provided

Current Account with TOD facility: TOD utilization Date – Derived

- DATE - Required
Product Type Product Type of the account

LN- Loan

CS- CASA/Overdraft/Line of Credit

VARCHAR2 30 Required
Product Sub Type Product Sub Type associated with the account Auto Loan, Unsecured Loan, Secured Overdraft VARCHAR2 30 Required
Outstanding Amount Outstanding amount for the account - NUMBER 36,18 Required
Overdue Amount Overdue amount for the account - NUMBER 36,18 Required
Days Past Due Longest Days past due value computed by the host - NUMBER 4,0 Required
Home Branch Home Branch of the account - VARCHAR2 30 Required
Facility Id Facility Id under which account is created. This field is used based on the structure of accounts in the host. - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Liability Id Liability Id under which the Facility Id of the account has been created. This field is used based on the structure of accounts in the host. - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
System Account Status Status of the account as defined in the host Example: Regular, Dormant, Closed, Charged-Off VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Secured Flag - Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Insured Flag - Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Card Number - - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
User defined Account Status As defined in the host Example: Debit Block, Credit Block, etc. VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Accrual Status This field displays the accrual status for the account Normal, Suspended CHAR 1 Optional
Product Code Code of the banking product offered to the customer AUTOLN, SECOD, VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Asset Classification Code Asset Class Code - VARCHAR2 40 Optional
Account Limit Sanctioned Limit offered to the account - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Repayment Frequency Repayment Frequency of the loan Monthly, weekly, quarterly VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Un-Cleared Payment Amount Sum of all un-cleared credits to the account - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Loan Maturity Date Date when loan matures - DATE - Optional
Account Write Off Date Date when account is fully written off/ abandoned - DATE - Optional
Account Write Off Amount Written off loan amt (abandonment amount). Total of all sums written off will be given. - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Loan Purpose Type Loan purpose types as applicable to the host - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Loan Purpose Code List of values as per loan purpose type - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Date of last loan restructure Date when the loan was last restructured - DATE - Optional
Account Currency Code Currency code of the account - VARCHAR2 30 Required
Delinquent Indicate if the account is delinquent Y/N CHAR 1 Required
Delinquency Start Date Current Delinquency Start Date. To be sent only once with the initial data hand off - DATE - Optional
Disbursed Amount Amount disbursed so far in case of a tranche - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Available for Disbursement Total loan amount available for disbursement - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Non Starter Indicate if the customer defaults the first installment after disbursement. Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Interest Rate Rate of interest for current applicable stage - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Interest Type Fixed or Floating - VARCHAR2 14 Optional
Employee Account Flag Indicate if the account belongs to an employee Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Minor Account Status Indicate if the account belongs to a minor Y/N VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Probability of Default Current Probability of default captured at account level - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Reason for Delinquency Reason code for delinquency of the account - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Forced Reason Forced Reason - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Forced Account Switch Forced Account Switch Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Behavior Score Current Behavior Score captured at account level - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Application Score Application Score captured at the time of opening of account - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Loan to Value Ratio ( Book Value) Loan to Value Ratio (Book/ Bank Value is considered) - Value of External Charge on Collateral is considered while calculating LVR - NUMBER 5,2 Optional
Loan to Value Ratio ( Market Value) Loan to Value Ratio (MTM is considered) - Value of External Charge on Collateral is considered while calculating LVR - NUMBER 5,2 Optional
Regulated Loan Flag Regulated Loan Flag Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Account Title Account Title - VARCHAR2 120 Optional
IOA Amount IOA Amount - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
BICOE Flag Flag to indicate if the Account is a BICOE (Building in Construction) Loan account Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Date of First Default First Date of Default - Date on which account became default as sent by host - DATE - Optional
Last DPD Update Date - - DATE - Optional
Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Name (if any) - VARCHAR2 30 Optional

Auto Pay Instruction

Auto Pay Instruction - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Chargeoff Date Date on which account was Charged off - DATE - Optional
Chargeoff Amount Chargeoff Amount - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
No Of Times Reaged No Of Times Reaged - NUMBER 4 Optional
No of Time Extended No of Time Extended - NUMBER 4 Optional
No Of Times Deferred No Of Times Deferred - NUMBER 4 Optional
No Of Times Renewed No Of Times Renewed - NUMBER 4 Optional
No of Time Re-written No of Time Re-written - NUMBER 4 Optional
Account Reopen Date Account Reopen Date - DATE - Optional
Account Closed Date Account Closed Date - DATE - Optional
Account Reopen Switch Account Reopen Switch Y/N NUMBER 1 Optional
Charge Off Primary Reason Charge Off Primary Reason - VARCHAR2 60 Optional
Charge Off Secondary Reason Charge Off Secondary Reason - VARCHAR2 60 Optional
Recovery Score - - VARCHAR2 10 Optional
Market Entity It is equivalent to a brand. Market Entity belongs to a Legal Entity. One Legal Entity can have multiple Market Entities - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Business Unit It is equivalent to a line of business. For example, Retail Business, Corporate Business, Investment Services - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Fees and Other Charge Bucket Amount - - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Insurance Bucket Amount - - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Interest Bucket - - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Principal Bucket Amount - - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Account Term Account Term - NUMBER 4 Optional
Non Due Fees Amount Non Due Fees Amount - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Overdrawn Amount Overdrawn Amount - NUMBER 36,18 Optional
Account Address - - VARCHAR2 1000 Optional