3.2.1 Party Details

Entity Name: PARTY

Description: This table holds party data from product processor.

Data Sequence:
PARTY|Party Id|Date of Birth|Party Type|Party Class|Marital Status|Customer Since|Gender|Marketing Info Flag|VIP Flag|Probability of Default|3rd Party Flag|Internet Banking Flag|Phone Banking Flag|Behavior Score|Customer Risk Score (CRS)|Enterprise customer number|Ability To Pay|Market Entity|Business Unit|Messenger Communication Flag|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5|udf6|udf7|udf8|udf9|udf10|udf11|udf12|udf13|udf14|udf15|udf16|udf17|udf18|udf19|udf20|udf21|udf22|udf23|udf24|udf25|udf26|udf27|udf28|udf29|udf30|udf31|udf32|udf33|udf34|udf35|udf36|udf37|udf38|udf39|udf40|udf41|udf42|udf43|udf44|udf45|udf46|udf47|udf48|udf49|udf50

Table 3-7 Party Details

Field Name Description Possible Values / Examples Data Type Data Length Required/Optional
Party Id Party Id as stored in Host - VARCHAR2 30 Required
Date of Birth / Date of Incorporation/ Date of Trust Deed - - DATE - Required
Party Type This field displays the party type.

P - Individual

B - Organization

T - Trust

VARCHAR2 30 Required
Party Class This field displays the party class of the customer. Party Class is a sub category in the Party Type.

1- Individual- Other

53- Others

VARCHAR2 30 Required
Marital Status Marital Status of Party in case of Individual Customer

MAR- Married

SIN - Single

DIV- Divorced

WID - Widowed

UDC - Undisclosed

SEP - Separated

VARCHAR2 20 Optional
Customer Since Customer Onboarding Date - DATE - Required
Gender Gender of Individual Customer

FEM- Female

MAL - Male

OTH- Others

UDC- Undisclosed

VARCHAR2 4 Required
Marketing Info Flag Marketing Information Flag to continue communication Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
VIP Flag This flag signifies if this is a VIP customer Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Probability of Default String value coming from 3rd party interface - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
3rd Party Flag Valid Values: Y, N - Indicates if a 3rd party is associated to the party Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Internet Banking Flag This flag signifies if internet banking flag is enabled for the customer Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Phone Banking Flag This flag signifies if phone banking flag is enabled for the customer Y/N VARCHAR2 1 Optional
Behavior Score Also available at Customer Level - Numeric value coming from 3rd party interface - NUMBER 36 Optional
Customer Risk Score (CRS) - - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Enterprise customer number Unique ID Number of Customer across enterprise - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Ability To Pay Customer's ability to pay Y/N CHAR 1 Optional
Market Entity It is equivalent to a brand. Market Entity belongs to a Legal Entity. One Legal Entity can have multiple Market Entities - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Business Unit It is equivalent to a line of business. For e.g., Retail Business, Corporate Business, Investment Services - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Messenger Communication Flag Check if Customer agrees to receive message for example, on WhatsApp updates for the account. It can be other messenger also. Y/N CHAR 1 Optional