3.2.6 Party Employment Details

Entity Name: EMPT

Description: This table holds party employment data product processor.

Data Sequence:
EMPT|Party Id|Employment Sequence Number|Employment Type|Employment Status|Employer Name|Industry Type|Company Type|Occupation|Designation|Gross Annual Salary|Start Date|End Date|udf1|udf2|udf3|udf4|udf5|udf6|udf7|udf8|udf9|udf10|udf11|udf12|udf13|udf14|udf15|udf16|udf17|udf18|udf19|udf20|udf21|udf22|udf23|udf24|udf25|udf26|udf27|udf28|udf29|udf30|udf31|udf32|udf33|udf34|udf35|udf36|udf37|udf38|udf39|udf40|udf41|udf42|udf43|udf44|udf45|udf46|udf47|udf48|udf49|udf50

Table 3-12 Party Employment Details

Field Name Description Possible Values / Examples Data Type Data Length Required/Optional
Party Id Party Id as stored in Host - VARCHAR2 30 Required
Employment Sequence Number/Profile ID Unique Profile Id of the Employment Record - VARCHAR2 40 Required
Employment Type Employment Type

SAL- Salaried

SLF - Self Employed

OTH - Others

NAP - Not Applicable

VARCHAR2 30 Required
Employment Status Employment Status Code

FTM - Full Time

PTM - Part Time

SLF - Self Employed

STU - Student

UNE - Unemployed

RT- Retired

CON - Contract

HD - Home Duties

VARCHAR2 30 Required
Employer Name Name of the employer of the customer - VARCHAR2 120 Optional
Industry Type - - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Company Type -


a. Public Limited

b. Private Limited

c. Government Organization

VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Occupation - - VARCHAR2 30 Optional
Designation - - VARCHAR2 120 Optional
Gross Annual Salary - - NUMBER 36 Optional
Start Date Employment Start Date - DATE - Optional
End Date Employment End Date - DATE - Optional