2.4 User Interface Elements

The user interface elements used in the application are as described below.


A list displays values configured in the application from which you can select the desired value. For example, to select a supervisory group code, click search in the Supervisory Group field.

Display Field

A display field displays information in read-only mode and you cannot edit the same.

display field
Entry Fields

An entry field is an element in which you can type or enter information. This information can be textual, numeric, or alphanumeric in nature.



Fields marked as Required are mandatory.
Option Button

An option button provides choices that are mutually exclusive. You can select only one choice from the given options.

Check Box

A check box indicates whether a condition is enabled or disabled. It also indicates selection of items. If multiple check boxes are presented, you can select one or more of them.

check box
List Box

A list box displays a fixed list of available options. If there are more options than what can be displayed at a given time, a scroll bar appears in the list box. You can select only one option from the given list.

list box
Multiple-Selection Box Field

A Multiple-Selection List field allows you to select multiple options for a field from a list of values.

multi select

The pagination feature helps you to search for required record from the search results.


A table displays list of records in row and column format.

Date Field

The date field helps you to set the date. You can either enter the date manually or select it using the calendar.

To select a date from the calendar:
  1. Click calendar to select a date.

    The calendar appears with the current month and year in context with calendar date highlighted by default.


    If you want to view all the months for a year and select the required month, click the <month name> in context. If you want to view list of years and select the required year, click the <year> in context. You can click previous and next to navigate back and forth, respectively.
  2. Select the relevant date.

    The selected date gets populated in the date field.

All the maintenance pages provide an option to view the audit details of a record. The following details are displayed if you click Audit in maintenance pages.

Table 2-1 Field Description: Audit

Field Name Description
Modification No Displays the modification number of the record.
Authorization Status Displays the authorization status of the record.
Record Status Displays the status of the record.
Maker Displays the user name of the maker who modified the record.
Maker Remarks Displays the remarks given by the maker on modification of the record.
Checker Displays the user name of the checker who modified the record.
Checker Remarks Displays the remarks given by the checker on authorization of the record.
Buttons and Icons
The following table lists the buttons that are used in the application.

Table 2-2 Buttons

Click To
Save Save the details.
Cancel Cancel an operation.
Search View the search results on a page based on specified search criteria.
Reset Reset a page.
Clear Clear the search parameters entered.
Audit View audit details of the record.
The following table lists the icons that are used in the application.

Table 2-3 Icons

Click To
Menu View sub menus.
expand Expand a section.
collapse Collapse a page
expand Maximize a page.
close Close a page.
expand View expanded section of a widget.
create Create a record.
calendar View calendar and select date.
add Add a row in a table.
delete Delete a row.
Action Options View actions available for a record.
search Search records.
switch on Toggle to turn on the switch.
switch off Toggle to turn off the switch.
list View records in list view.
tile View records in tile view.
dotted check box Expand a row in a table to view additional details.