View Page

The view pages facilitate you to view the list of records that are created using the create page. You can search for records with specific search criteria and also perform various actions on a record.

By default, the page displays the records in tile view. You click listand tile to view the records in list view or tile view, respectively.

The following figure depicts the user interface of a typical view page displaying records in tile view.

Figure 2-3 View Page Displaying Records in Tile View

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 View Page Displaying Records in Tile View"

The following figure depicts the user interface of a typical view page displaying records in list view.

Figure 2-4 View Page Displaying Records in List View

Description of Figure 2-4 follows
Description of "Figure 2-4 View Page Displaying Records in List View"

If you click actions for a record, the options available for performing action on a record are displayed. However, the options available for a record are dependent on privileges assigned to your user role.

A record displays the following possible options for a record:
  • Unlock: Option to modify a record.
  • Delete: Option to delete an unauthorized record.
  • Close: Option to close an authorized record.
  • Reopen: Option to reopen a record.
  • Authorize: Option to authorize a record.
  • Copy: Option to copy a record.
  • View: Option to view details of a record in read-only mode.
For more information on how to perform actions on a record using these options, see Standard Procedures.