7.1.1 Creating Call Action

For creating a call action, you need to specify details, such as code, description, actions, and results.
To create a call action:
  1. From the main menu, navigate to Collections and then click Maintenance.
  2. From the Maintenance menu, click Call Action and then click Create Call Action.
    The Create Call Action page appears.
  3. In the Code field, enter a unique identification code for the call action.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description of the call action.
  5. In the Call Action Details section, select action from the Action list.
  6. From the Call Type list, select the call type.
  7. In the Active field, toggle to indicate whether the action is enabled.
  8. Click expand row corresponding to the required action for which you want to add results and enter details in the Result Details section.
    1. From the Result list, select result for the action.
    2. In the Right Party Contacted field, toggle to indicate whether right party is contact is enabled.
    3. In the Status field, click Manage and enter collection status details in the Status Details section.
    4. In the Active field, toggle to indicate whether result is active.
  9. Click Save.