3 Case Search

The Case Search page facilitates you to search for all the cases that are in Open status. You can quickly search for a case using the account number, customer number, or case number. You can also search for cases based on advance search criteria, such as product processor, segment, or collection status.

Using this page, you can navigate to the Case Summary page to view detailed information of a case.

Table 3-1 Field Description: Case Search

Field Name Description
<Search By Account Number or Customer Number or Case Number> Indicates the account number, customer number, or case number.

Note: You must enter any one of the search criteria.

Advance Search This section helps you to search for cases or accounts using advance search criteria.

Note: You must specify at least one of the search criteria.

Product Processor Indicates the product processor.
Segment Indicates the segment associated with the case.

Note: You can select multiple segments. If you specify segment as a search criteria, search results display only those cases for which the selected segment is active on any of the accounts linked with the case.

Overdue Amount Indicates the range in which the overdue amount of the account exists.

Note: You can specify both or either of the minimum and maximum overdue amount. However, maximum amount must be greater than the minimum amount specified.

Days Past Due Indicates the range in which the number of days past due on the account exists.

Note: You can specify both or either of the minimum and maximum number of days past due. However, maximum number of days must be greater than the minimum number of days specified.

Collection Status Indicates the collection status.

Note: You can select multiple collection statuses. If you specify collection status as a search criteria, search results display only those cases for which the selected collection status is active on any of the accounts linked with the case.

Sort By Indicates the option based on which the search results should be sorted.
The options are:
  • Days Past Due
  • Overdue Amount

Note: By default, Days Past Due is selected.

Search Results This section displays the search results based on specified search criteria.
Case Number Displays the case number.

Click the <Case Number> link to navigate to Case Summary page.

Customer Number Displays the customer number.
Customer Name Displays name of the customer.
Account Number Displays the account number related to the case.
Overdue Amount Displays the overdue amount on the account.
Segment Displays the segment to which the account is associated.
Days Past Due Displays the days past due on the account.