Updates the Payment Details of the loan origination/restructuring application



This operation updates the given applicant details of the loan origination/restructuring application of the given application number using LoanOriginationApplication Service.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Request Body containing the Payment Details Loan of the application number
Root Schema : PaymentDetailsModel
Type: object
PaymentDetails model
Match All
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Nested Schema : GenericDatasegmentModel
Match All
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Nested Schema : GenericDatasegmentModel-allOf[0]
Type: object
Discriminator: resource_type
Nested Schema : PaymentDetailsModel-allOf[1]
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Returns updated PaymentDetails
Body ()
Root Schema : ResponseDtoWrapper
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ResponseResourceSupport
Match All
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Nested Schema : ResponseDto
Type: object
ResponseDto model
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Nested Schema : ResponseResourceSupport-allOf[0]
Type: object
Discriminator: resouce_type
Nested Schema : httpStatusCode
Type: array
Schedule Details
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Nested Schema : responseCodes
Type: object
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400 Response

Malformed syntax.

401 Response

Request does not have sufficient credentials.

403 Response

Request is not authorized.

405 Response

Invalid input

500 Response

Internal error
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