1.1 Environment Variables - Plato

Use the environment variables which are required to be available in the weblogic server. Unavailability of any of these variables can result in improper database scripts or service availability.

Table 1-1 Environment variables- Plato

S.No Service Name Environment Variables Description
1 plato-config- services plato-config.schemas Schema Name for Plato Config Service
2 plato-discovery- service eureka.host Host Name of Plato Discover Servicee.g. host-name.in.example.com
3 plato-discovery- service eureka.port Server Port on which Plato Discovery Service is running
4 plato-ui-config- service platoui.schemas Schema Name for Plato UI Config Service
5 plato-ui-config- service api-gateway.host Host Name for Plato Api Gateway
6 plato-ui-config- service api-gateway.port Port Number of Plato API Gateway
7 plato-config- service plato-config.username Username of Plato Config Service Schema
8 plato-config- service plato-config.password Password of Plato Config Service Schema
9 plato-config- service plato-config.jdbcUrl Url of Plato Config Service Schema
10 plato-config- service plato-config.url Url of Plato Config Service Schema
11 All services driver.className Driver Class Name For Connecting to DB
12 All services zipkin.host Host Name For Zipkin (Optional)
13 All services zipkin.port Port No. where Zipkin is running(Optional)
14 plato-ui-config- service platoui.username Username of Plato UI Config Service Schema
15 plato-ui-config- service platoui.password Password of Plato UI Config Service Schema
16 plato-ui-config- service platoui.jdbcUrl Url of Plato UI Config Service Schema
17 plato-ui-config- service platoui.schemas Schema Name of Plato UI Config Service Schema
18 plato-api- gateway-service plato-api-gateway.server.port Port No. for running Plato UI API Gateway Service
19 plato-api- gateway-service api-gateway.username Username of Plato Api Gateway Schema
20 plato-api- gateway-service api-gateway.password Password of Plato Api Gateway Schema
21 plato-api- gateway-service api-gateway.jdbcUrl Url of Plato Api Gateway Schema
22 plato-api- gateway-service api-gateway.schemas Schema Name of Plato Api Gateway Schema
23 plato-orch- service plato-orch-service.server.port Port No. for Running Plato Orch Gateway Service
24 plato-ui-config- services plato-ui-config- services.server.port Port No. for Running Plato UI Config Service
25 plato-ui-config- services plato-ui-config.username Username for Plato UI Config Service Schema
26 plato-ui-config- services plato-ui-config.password Password for Plato UI Config Service Schema
27 plato-ui-config- services plato-ui-config.jdbcUrl Url of Plato UI Config Service Schema
28 plato-ui-config- services plato-ui-config.schemas Schema Name of Plato UI Config Service Schema
Run the DAY0 environment variable set up scripts and make sure that the environment variables are set appropriately.