1.3 Environment Variables – Common Core

Use the environment variables which are required to be available in the weblogic server. Unavailability of any of these variables can result in improper database scripts or service availability.

Table 1-3 Environment Variables – Common Core

S.No Service Name Environment Variables Description
1 Common core services cmncore.username Username For Common Core Schema
2 Common core services cmncore.db.username Username For Common Core Schema
3 Common core services cmncore.password Password For Common Core Schema
4 Common core services cmncore.db.password Password For Common Core Schema
5 Common core services cmncore.jdbcUrl Url of Common Core Schema
6 Common core services cmncore.db.url Url of Common Core Schema
7 Common core services cmncore.schemas Schema Name Of Common Core Schema
8 Common core services cmncore.db.schemas Schema Name Of Common Core Schema
9 cmc-account- servcies cmc-account- services.server.port Port No for running Account Services
10 cmc-advice- servcies cmc-advice- services.server.port Port No for running Account Services
11 cmc-base- servcies cmc-base- services.server.port Port No for running Base Services
12 cmc-branch- servcies cmc-branch- services.server.port Port No for running Branch Services
13 cmc-customer- servcies cmc-customer- services.server.port Port No for running Customer Services
14 cmc-facilities- servcies cmc-facilities- services.server.port Port No for running Facilities Services
15 cmc- settlements- servcies cmc-settlements- services.server.port Port No for running Settlements Services
16 cmc- transactioncontroller-servcies cmc-transactioncontroller- services.server.port Port No for running Transaction Controller Services
Run the DAY0 environment variable set up scripts and make sure that the environment variables are set appropriately.