1.2 Application Environment

Use this topic once you successfully login into the application. The application environment screen appears depending on the user privileges.

Here is a sample illustration of the home page.

Figure 1-3 Application Environment

For more information on fields, refer to the field description table.

Table 1-2 Application Environment – Field Description

Field Description
Hamburger Menu Click expand/collapse the menu.
Menu Click to navigate/open the screens associated with the application.
Sub-Menu Click to navigate/open the screens associated with the application.

These screens are associated with the menu depending on the user privileges.

Display Grid Displays the screens/dashboards.
Bank Name Displays the name of the bank and its branch code.

Click to select the branches associated with the logged in user.


Depending on the logged in user and the branches associated, the user can switch between branches and view the records.
Application Date Displays the last performed application date of branch’s EOD.
User Profile Displays the user profile related options and actions.

This topic contains the following subtopics: