Draft Proposal

Draft Proposal details can be added for the application in the Enrichment Stage.

Figure 1-22 Draft Proposal Screen

Description of Figure 1-22 follows
Description of "Figure 1-22 Draft Proposal Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-18 Draft Proposal - Field Description

Field Description
Proposed Loan Amount(Min) The minimum proposed Loan Amount to be given
Proposed Loan Amount(Max) The maximum proposed Loan Amount to be given
Proposed Loan Amount(Fixed) The fixed proposed Loan Amount to be given
Loan Tenor(Months) The proposed Loan Amount Tenor in Months to be given
Proposal Validity The proposed Loan draft validity to be given in days
Rate Type The Interest Rate type to be given for the proposed loan
Rate(Min/Max) The proposed loan's Minimum and Maximum interest rate can be given
Rate(Fixed) The proposed loan's Fixed interest rate can be given
Margin Rate(Min/Max) The proposed loan's Minimum and Maximum interest margin rate can be given
Margin Rate(Fixed) The proposed loan's Fixed interest margin rate can be given
Interest Payment Frequency The proposed loan's interest payment frequency can be given
Schedule of Principal The proposed loan's schedule of principal can be selected from the dropdown
Amortise Amortise type can be specified
Fee Fee type to be selected from the dropdown
Fee Description Selected fee description to be populated
Fee Type Fee Type to be selected from the dropdown
Fee Rate(Min/Max) Minimum and Maximum Fee Rate can be given
Fee Rate(Fixed) Fixed Fee Rate can be given
Collateral List Collateral type for the proposed loan can be selected from the dropdown
Collateral Description Collateral description for the selected collateral type will be populated
Collateral Amount Collateral Amount for the collateral type selected can be given for the proposed loan