Loan Details

Loan details are displayed for the application in the Entry Stage.

Figure 1-60 Loan Details Screen

Description of Figure 1-60 follows
Description of "Figure 1-60 Loan Details Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-42 Loan Details - Field Description

Field Description
Loan Amount The amount of the loan required by customer.
Value Date The effective date of the loan. System defaults the date as per Application date and however the user will be allowed to modify as per the requirement.
Loan Tenor The duration of the loan that is to be disbursed.
Maturity Type The loan can be Fixed, Call or Notice type as per the requirement.
Maturity Date The duration before the loan becomes due and must be paid in full.
Commitment Contract Number The contract Number of the agreement by bank to lend a specified sum of money to the party.