Disbursement Schedules

Disbursement Schedule details can be added for the application in the Enrichment Stage.

Figure 1-10 Disbursement Schedules Screen

Description of Figure 1-10 follows
Description of "Figure 1-10 Disbursement Schedules Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-8 Disbursement Schedules - Field Description

Field Description
Auto Disbursement Manual intervention is not required, automatic disbursement of amount will be done
Schedule Date The date on which disbursement is to be done
Disbursement Currency The currency in which the amount is to be disbursed
Total Disbursement Amount The total amount available for disbursement
Amount To Disburse The amount that borrower need to be disbursed in a schedule
Percentage Of Disbursement Percentage of total amount that is being disbursed
Frequency The time intervals in which amount is to be disbursed
Unit Unit of Frequency
No. Of Schedules The number of schedules in which the loan needs to be disbursed
Split Sequence Number The unique number given to a particular split
Split Percentage The percentage of amount that will be paid in a split
Split Amount The amount that will be paid in a split
Payment Mode Mode of payment in which the amount will be disbursed
Settlement Account Number The account to which the amount will be disbursed
Settlement Account Branch The branch in which the account is present
Settlement Account Currency The currency in which amount disbursement will happen