Payment Details

Payment details are added for the application in the Entry Stage.

Figure 1-79 Payment Details Screen

Description of Figure 1-79 follows
Description of "Figure 1-79 Payment Details Screen"

For information on the screen fields, refer to the field description table below.

Table 1-56 Payment Details - Field Description

Field Description
Payment type The type of payment to be processed whether its repayment or prepayment.
Loan Contract Ref No The Loan Contract Ref No for which the payment to be done
Effective Date The date from which the payment component details to be fetched for the selected loan
Limit Date The date to which the payment component details to be fetched for the selected loan
Loan Amount The Loan Amount assosciated with the contract
Payable Amount The Payable amount to be given as part of payment for each component
Prepayment Penalty Amount The Penalty amount to be given in case the payment type is prepayment
Total settlement Amount The Total amount being paid for all the payment components