Account Interface and Handoff

  • For CASA, where debit happened excluding force debit components, have the block number in the daily log table.
  • As part of accounting interface OL and LS module should hold two handoff status, one to indicate whether the customer account related entries handoff to DDA system and another to indicate GL entries handoff to GL system.
  • External Account Check (EAC) is done wherever the credit happens to CASA account to avoid failure in external system side (Check for No credit, No debit, Frozen, Deceased).
  • Java poller constantly polls the daily log table and pick the records which are authorized and handoff yet to be done.It then generates the accounting request with necessary details and put in IN queue. After getting successful response from external system, handoff status is changed. If anything failed while giving external handoff, external system throws a proper exception code and same has been logged in OL and LS side.
    Requests Description
    Debit request + <ECAREFNO> ECA Block is released
    Debit request Amount is debited from withdrawable balance
  • Credit and Debit advice should be generated only after the feedback from the DDA system after posting entries to the customer account.
  • OL and LS module should be capable to handoff the entries online by generating XML request as well as handoff entries through batch process at regular intervals during the day.