ECA Handling for Manual liquidation

  • After you capture the necessary payment details and click Save, OL and LS module should place an ECA request for the amount requested for the payment.
  • There should be an additional field in the payment screen to display the ECA process status. This should display the status of the ECA request.
  • When the ECA request is approved by the DDA system, it needs to be manually authorized. Hence, manual payment is deleted for unauthorized contract, an undo ECA should be sent to the DDA system.
  • OL and LS module should process the payment request and update the cashflow tables and post liquidation entries as part of back ground process and payment status is in unauthorized state.
  • Authorisation of payment is possible only after the liquidation process is completed and entries are posted.
  • Similarly OL and LS module should generate reversal entries upon reversal of loan payment. In case where actual accounting to DDA system is not generated post ECA approval, OL and LS module should generate both actual entries for liquidation with block number and its reversal.
Actions System Response
After logging payment in ECA queue for approval, if you try to delete the payment before getting the response, then the status is W. The system should undo ECA if it gets approved response (Reconcillation mechanism).
After getting ECA response as Approved, if you try to delete the payment The system should undo ECA with the approved block number.