ECA Request for Auto Liquidation

  • As part of loans batch process, amount due for liquidation for a contract must be sent to the DDA system for approval (ECA_CHECK_REQD parameter maintained in cstb_param table and verify funds flag at contract level). Only after receiving an approval from the DDA system, the system proceeds with liquidation of the schedule.
  • OL and LS module should send a consolidate request to the ECA one for each contract. As the settlement account is configured for each component in Corporate Lending, multiple settlement accounts for a contract is possible. OL and LS module for a due date should group the total amount due from each account and generate one ECA request for a contract and due date.
  • The due amount when sent as part of ECA request should be in account currency.
  • As part of the ECA request, OL and LS module should send the following additional preferences configured at a contract / product level.
    • Partial Liquidation Allowed (PARTIAL_BLOCK_REQUIRED): If the flag is set as N, then ECA system should send a fail approval in case the total amount requested is not available in the account.
  • In case of multiple schedules that are due from the customer as part of Auto Liquidation, OL and LS system should place a ECA request for the earliest schedule due from the customer. Only when the schedule is completely settled and processed in OL system, request for next schedule should be placed.
  • First process in OL and LS batch computes the amount due for a schedule as part of Auto Liquidation and place the request into ECA table with the current status as Unprocessed. A Java program constantly polls the table for any unprocessed records and transform the records into an ECA request XML and place the same into a IN queue of the external system configured.
  • Upon receipt of any response from the DDA system in the OUT queue of OL and LS module, the response would be parsed by the JAVA program and update the status response status (Approved/Rejected) in OLTB_ECA_REQ_MASTER and OLTB_ECA_REQ_DETAIL table.
  • When ECA block is successfully created on the accounts (Partial / Full), liquidation happens in OL and LS module and perform OL and LS accounting with handoff status as N.
  • ECA request for auto liquidation should not be created when future dated payment is requested for the same contract. ECA request for auto liquidation should not be created from OL and LS module where GL is chosen as settlement account. For example, for a contract having Principal and Interest as components and GL is chosen as a settlement account then no ECA request should be created by OL and LS module. However, if GL is chosen only for Interest and for Principal a valid customer account is chosen as settlement account, then ECA request should be created only for Principal component.
  • When Auto Liquidation process is run for more than one day as part of EOD processing (due to holiday settings), then Auto liquidation for the schedules that are due for a day can be processed only after Auto liquidation is processed successfully for the preceding day.
  • In a situation where ECA block is successful, but subsequent processing in OL and LS module fails auto retry mechanism should be available in OL and LS module.