2.3.2 Fee details

The fee components specified for the product to which you have linked the contract is displayed in tabular columns.

Table 2-2 Fee Components Details

Field Description
Component The name given to the fee component is displayed here. The attributes defined for this component is displayed in the subsequent fields.
For a fee component the following details are displayed:
  • Billing Notice Required
  • Billing Notice Days
  • The currency in which the fee is specified if it is a total fee amount and the total fee amount itself.
Consider as Discount It is applicable for only Advance Fee type and for IRR computation.
Accrual Fee In the Accrual Fee Class Maintenance screen (LFDACFCL), you maintain accrual fee related details.

In the Product Definition screen, you can get these details and link it to the Accrual fee.

The accrual fee is not defaulted to the contract. You need to go to Amortization Fees screen (LFDACFIN).


If both the options Consider as Discount and Accrual Required are selected, the fee amount is considered for Internal Rate of Return calculation.
Fee Period Basis During periodic accruals for a contract, fee accruals also depend on the fee period basis defined for the contract.The fee period basis determines whether the fee calculation for schedules takes into account the schedule start dates or the end dates, or both, or whether it excludes both.


For contracts booked with the fee period basis as Include To Date and Include To and From Date, the maturity date is considered for fee calculations. However, accrual is posted in previous working day prior to maturity date and there is no accrual on maturity date.