1.3.2 ICCF Rule Maintenance

To capture details of ICCF rule maintenance screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the Homepage, type LFDRUMNT and click next arrow.
    The ICCF Rule Maintenance screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 1-3 ICCF Rule Maintenance

  2. You can enter below details in this screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 1-3 ICCF Rule Maintenance

    Field Description
    Rule ID Specify the valid interest Rule ID to the interest classes that you maintain in your bank. The adjoining option list displays the list of all rule IDs available in the system. You can select the appropriate one. These rule IDs are fetched from Rule Master Definition screen.
    Rule Description The Rule Description appears based on the rule ID.
    Rule Type The Rule Type, Interest, Charges/Fees, Tax are defaulted from the Rule Master Definition screen. You cannot change the rule type.
    Rate Type The rate type indicates whether the rate to be applied for the rule ID is a flat amount or a percentage of the contract amount. The specific rates and amounts applicable have to be specified in subsequently through this screen. These rates or amounts can be changed during contract processing.
    Rate Code for Foreign Currency You can choose the rate code as Mid, Buy or Sell only when the basis amount currency and the rate currency is different from the contract currency. The rate code is used to arrive at the exchange rate if the rate currency is different from the contract currency.
    Booking Currency You can choose one of the booking currency.
    • Contract Currency - If you select this, the system calculates the charge in the currency specified in the field Contract Currency.
    • Charge Currency - If you select this, the system calculates the charge in the currency specified in Charge Currency.
    Based on the booking currency specified, the system decides the currency in which the charge needs to be calculated.
    Minimum Amount If the charge is based on a fixed rate, you should specify the minimum amount that can be applied on a contract involving the rule ID. If the charge calculated using this rule ID falls below this amount for a contract, the minimum amount specified in this field is applied instead of the amount calculated using the fixed rate.
    Maximum Amount If the charge is based on a fixed rate, you should specify the maximum amount that can be applied on a contract involving the rule ID. If the charge calculated using this rule ID exceeds this amount for a contract, the maximum amount specified in this field is applied instead of the amount calculated using the fixed rate.
    Basis Amount Currency Charges or fees can be calculated for a transaction on the basis of tiers or slabs. When building a charge rule, you should also indicate the currency of the tiers or slabs based on which you levy the charge. This is the Basis Amount Currency. If the transaction is in a different currency, then the charge is calculated after converting it to the currency of the tiers and slabs.
    Basis Amount To You should specify the upper limit of the slab or tier to which a particular rate or amount should be applied as a charge.
    Fixed Rate If the charge is a percentage of an amount, specify the applicable rate. This rate is applied on the Basis Amount To, depending on whether you have defined the application basis, as a slab or a tier.
    Charge Unit The Charge Unit specifies the unit for rounding up a charge basis amount or fee basis amount to the nearest amount. The charge or fee is calculated on the rounded basis amount.
    Floor Amount You should specify this only if the amount basis is a tier. This is the upper limit of the previous tier limit. By default, the amount specified as the Basis Amount To for the previous tier limit is displayed. For the first limit in the tier do not specify this. This amount, along with the Floor CCF Amount, is used to calculate the charge.
    Flat (CCF) Amount To levy a flat charge, specify the flat amount. This amount is applied on the basis amount, depending on whether you have defined the application basis as a slab or a tier.
    Tenor From and Tenor To The tenor is in days. For instance, If Tenor From and Tenor To are given as 0 and 91, the tenor slab is from 0 days to 91 days.