10.16 Bulk Update of Handoff Status in LB OL STP Interface browser

  1. You are allowed to change the processing status for multiple events of participant tranche contract, as ‘Processed’ from ‘Failed’ and ‘Enriched’ in this screen.
  2. You are allowed to perform the below actions.
    • Query
    • Unlock
    • Save
    • Authorize
    • Delete
  3. You are allowed to query based on tranche reference number and participant number of tranche contract. The system displays the records in the below manner.
    • If the user has searched using tranche reference number alone, the system displays the records for each participant present in the tranche. You can navigate to the tranche reference number and participant number combination using the arrow button in the tool bar.
    • If you have searched using tranche reference number and participant number of the tranche contract, the system displays record for the combination of the tranche reference number and participant number only.
  4. Once the records are displayed, you should unlock the screen. Once the record is unlocked, the system displays the list of Failed and Enriched events of the tranche reference number and participant number combination. You should change the processing status for multiple records from either Failed or Enriched to Processed and save.
  5. During authorization, the system perform the below validations.
    • The position balance should be the same for both the LB and OL contracts.
    • The payment schedules of both the LB and OL contracts should match.
    • There should not be any unauthorized record in the STP Interface Browser related to the participant tranche/drawdown contracts.
  6. Authorization fails in case of any mismatch and an error message appears.
  7. On successful authorization, the system marks the respective event as processed in STP interface browser. In the STP interface browser the maker and checker details are updated in the general audit details section as well as in the Marked as Processed Audit Details section.
  8. The maker and checker details are updated in the LB - OL STP Status Change Browser. In addition, the version number is incremented for the tranche reference number and participant number combination. The version number is displayed as X of Y, where X is the current version and Y is the last version. When you perform subsequent status change for same the tranche reference number and participant number combination, the version number is incremented. You are allowed to navigate to the other versions within the tranche reference number and participant number combination.
  9. The system propagates the latest fee schedules from tranche to commitment while marking the event as processed in STP interface browser.
  10. You are provided with an option to delete the record before it is authorized in the LB- OL STP Status Change Browser.
  11. On click of the Delete, the system restores the old status of the event. There could be multiple records under a tranche and participant number combination. When you click Delete, changes done for all the records are restored.