9.6 Making Value Date Amendments for a Drawdown

In Oracle Banking Corporate Lending, you can change values of the following components using the value dated amendment function for a drawdown:
  • Increase the drawdown principal
  • Modify the interest rate (for fixed rate type)
  • Modify the spread (for floating rate type)
  • Change the maturity date
You can enter value-dated changes to a borrower drawdown in the Value Dated Amendments screen.
Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LBDVAMND and click next arrow.
    The Value Dated Amendment screen is displayed.

    Figure 9-10 Value Dated Amendment

    Value Dated Amendment

  2. The Contract Details section of the screen displays the following details:
    • Name of the product.
    • Counterparty Id and Name
    • Contract Reference Number.
    • Start date of the drawdown.
    • Currency of the drawdown.
    • Ticket Id (Only if the VAMI is initiated from the trading activity)
    • Reference Number of the facility under which the tranche is processed.
    • Number of drawdowns processed under the tranche.
    The Amendment tab displays the following:\
    • Current Principal
    • Current Maturity Date
    To make an amendment, select the reference number of the drawdown you want to amend and then select Unlock from the menu.
    This topic contains the following sub-topics: