15.8 Messages from Markit for Trade Settlement

The following messages are communicated between Markit and Oracle Banking Corporate Lending for processing trade settlement from Markit for agented deals.

Table 15-3 Message

Message Description Occurrence Flow
Trade Details - Agent View Trade details that the agent can use to setup the trade in their system (LB). Trade is consumed in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending and is populated into the Agency confirmation browser with all the relevant details of the trade. Can be received multiple times prior to Settlement/ Trade Update Notification. Markit to Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.
Trade Status Update Notification Markit trade status will be updated in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending based on the status received.


Can be received only once prior to Settlement and it isoptional. Markit to Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.
Submit Agency Update Notifies the update to agent to signify final transfer of asset is needed. Trade is marked as closed. Can be received only once on Settlement. Markit to Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.
Position Update Notice This is an inventory message and this is sent with type as Assignment. Oracle Banking Corporate Lending validates the position of the investor involved in the trade and update and build the message and send it back to Markit. Is sent only once on successful processing of Submit Agency Update Notice in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending. Oracle Banking Corporate Lending to Markit.

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