11.4.1 Specifying Child Contract Details for Consolidation

In the Child Re-Price Transaction (Consolidation) section of the screen, you can specify the following details of the child contracts that have to be consolidated to the selected parent contract.

Table 11-5 Child Re-Price Transaction (Consolidation)

Fields Description
Contract Ref No Select the reference number of the child contract that is to be merged with the parent contract. The option list displays the reference number of all the non-LC type of drawdowns which are eligible for merge reprice contracts. Contracts which satisfy the following conditions are displayed in the option list:
  • Contracts which are under the same tranche of parent contract.
  • Contracts for which reprice value date lies between Value date and maturity date (including maturity date.
  • Contracts which have same currency and same borrower as thatof parent contract.
Upon selection of the child contract, the following details are displayed:
  • User Reference Number
  • Value date of the contract
  • Transaction Amount
  • Currency of the contract
Amount The amount of the child contract which is re-priced and consolidated with the parent contract is displayed here. This is the outstanding principal amount of the child contract. The amount can be less than or equal to the outstanding principal.

The system displays the sum total of the merged amount in the Total Merge Amount field.

Currency The currency of the child contract is displayed here. You can merge only those child contracts that have the same currency as the parent contract.
Liquidate Interest By default, this box is deselected. If you select this check box, the system liquidates the outstanding interest for the child contract at the time of re-pricing, if interest payment schedule exists on that day. If you do not select this check box, the interest remains with the child.


If the child contract is prime loan, the system liquidates the interest which has been accrued till date (the re-price value date) irrespective of the Liquidate Interest option.
Liquidate Principal By default, the system selects this check box if the total amount of the child contracts is less than the outstanding principal balance. It instructs the system to liquidate the outstanding principal for the child contract at the time of re-pricing. You can deselect this check box, if required.
Remarks You can capture additional remarks for the consolidation transaction, if required.