2.11.3 Specifying Liquidation Order of Components for a Particular Status

Specifications of component-wise liquidation order made as part of Product Preferences maintenance hold true for a loan as long as it is in the NORMAL status. For each adverse status of a loan, you need to maintain the liquidation order separately.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Status Maintenance screen.

  1. From the Status Maintenance screen, click Liquidation Order.
    The Liquidation Order screen is displayed.
  2. You can capture below details in this screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 2-16 Liquidation Order Details

    Fields Description
    Component Select the components to be liquidated.
    No. The priority in which the components are liquidated is displayed here. It is in incremental order.
    Auto Liq In the Component Liquidation Order screen, you can select the Auto Liq box for those components that you want to be automatically liquidated. These selected components are automatically liquidated in the order assigned in this screen.

    Any components for which you do not select the Auto Liq box must be liquidated manually.

    Gen Mesg Select this check box to indicate that a message needs to be generated when that component is liquidated.