6.5.1 Specifying Payment Breakup for Participants

From Loan Syndication Contract -Payment screen (LBDPYMNT), click Part Int Share button to invoke the screen, Payment Breakup for Participants with details of all the participants under the drawdown and outstanding interest (Cash Interest) for each participant under the field Amount Due.

Amount Paid - Specify the individual participant share amount for the interest being paid.

While saving the record and on click of ok button in the Payment Breakup for Participants screen, the system validates if the total sum of the entire participant interest share amount entered in Amount Paid matches with the borrower Amount Paid.

Amount Paid entered by user for each participant level is used for :
  • Propagating interest to the respective participant contract
  • Tax calculation for the participants
  • Participant advice generation


Cash interest paid cannot be greater than amount due for borrower. The same validation is applicable for participants as well.