15.11.3 Trade Update Notification

The Trade Update Notification message is the update notification on a trade that has already been received from Markit to notify the trade status to Oracle Banking Corporate Lending. Each trade consists of the following details.
  • Unique identifier for the trade
  • Update status
Each Trade Update Notification message consists of the following primary details.
  • tradeID - Unique Trade Id for each Markit trade. It consists of the Markit Trade Id and LQT Ticket Id which is the Ticket Id of the SLT trade.
  • allocationID – Allocation Id’s of all the allocations under the Trade Id. This can be blank. If this field is not blank, then it consists of one or many allocations under the Trade Id.
  • tradeCompletelySettled – The possible values are True/False. If the message is for the last trade/allocation under the Markit Trade Id / Allocation Id, then this will be True. For rest of the prior messages, it will remain False, as all the allocations are not yet settled. This field is used for processing and for information purpose only.
  • updateStatus – The status received is populated as the Markit Trade Status in the SLT interface Browser and also in Trade Settlement Queue. The possible values for updateStatus are given below.
    • Suspended
    • Cancelled
    • Removed

Based on the Trade Id/ Allocation ID, all the trades corresponding to this message are identified. If the Trade Id/Allocation Id does not exist in the system, then the message is marked as Rejected in the SLT interface Browser.

Markit Trade Status field is updated with the update status received from Markit in this message. This update is also applicable for all the individual SLT trades under the Markit Trade Id.

Trade Update Notification message is sent only if the trade settlement is blocked in Markit/ Oracle Banking Corporate Lending and thereby it is optional.