
The system performs the following validations during the save operation in Mark Liquidated screen.
  • Validation for drawdown contracts:
    • Contract should be in Active and authorized status.
    • There should be no outstanding amount of any Principal and Interest/Fee component.
    • All Escrow customer and General Ledger (GL) accounts linked to the drawdown contract should have zero balance.
    • The origination loans contracts that are linked to the self-participants in the drawdown should be in Liquidated or Reversed status.
    • For sighting funds enabled drawdowns, there should not be any pending transaction in sighting funds browser.
  • Validation for tranche contracts:
    • Contract should be in Active and authorized status.
    • Tranche cannot be liquidated if any underlying drawdowns are in Active or Uninitiated or Hold status.
    • There should be no outstanding amount of any Principal and Fee components.
    • All underlying commitments of self participants in the tranche should be Liquidated or Reversed status.
    • All Escrow customer and GL accounts linked to the tranche contracts and underlying drawdowns should have zero balance.
    • For sighting funds enabled tranches, there should not be any pending transaction in sighting funds browser.
    • Maturity date of the tranche should be less than or equal to application date.
    • There should be no individual investor balance of the participant contracts for the Borrower tranche or drawdown contract.
    • There should be no collateral online and settlement contract balances.