4.5.15 Viewing Participant Summary Details

The Participant Facility Contract Summary screen gives you a summary of the participant facility contracts created under a facility contract.

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Loans Syndication - Facility Contract Online screen.

  1. From the Loans Syndication - Facility Contract Online screen, click Party Summary.
    The Participant Contract Input Summary screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-25 Participant Contract Input Summary

  2. In this screen, the following details are displayed:
    • Authorization status of the contract: The possible values are:
      • A – Authorized
      • U – Unauthorized)
    • Contract Status: The possible values are:
      • A – active
      • L – Liquidated
      • H – Hold
      • Y – Yet to be initiated
      • V – Reversed
    • Contract Reference Number: The reference number of the participant contracts created under the facility contract.
    • Reference Number of the Borrower Facility Contract.
    • Product used to create the participant contract: The system picks the offset participant facility product maintained for the facility product (in the ‘Facility Product Preferences’ screen) for the resultant participant facility, tranche and drawdown contracts.
    • Currency: The currency for each participant contract will be same as that of the facility contract.
    • Customer: The participants selected for the facility contract
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