7.3.18 Viewing the Accrual Fee Details

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.
  1. On the homepage, type LFDACFIN and click next arrow.
    The Amortization Fee Details screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 7-19 Amortization Fee Details

  2. In the Amortization Fee Details screen, click on the Accrual Fee to view the upfront fee details associated with a loan. The following details are available in this screen:
    • Component: The fee components associated with the product under which the contract is being processed.
    • Effective Date: The date on which the accounting entries for the fee amount specified at the product level is to be posted to the customer account.
    • Accrual Method: The method used to accrue the fee amount is Straight-line method.
    • Amount: The amount that is to be collected as fee from your customer.
    • Currency: This is the currency of the fee amount or refund amount


    For more information on Upfront Fee Accrual, refer to the Processing Upfront Fee Accruals in Bilateral Loans User Manual.