6.3 Forward Processing of Events

To capture details of payment browser screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type LBSFWDPR and click next arrow.
    The Payment Browser screen is displayed.


    To carry out forward processing on an event, you need to select the Rollover Mode, Liquidation Mode and Initiation Mode as Semi-Auto for tranche and drawdown. Similarly, for forward processing of fee components, the fee liquidation mode should be Semi-Auto (in the Fee Components sub-screen of the LS Tranche Contract Online screen and the Drawdown Contract Online screen). The processing for the events ROLL, LIQD, INIT and FLIQ is processed semi-automatically. LD rollover should have rollover mode as semi auto to reflect the payment messages in the forward processing browser.
  2. In Payment Browser screen, you can view the details of contracts marked for forward processing.
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