9.1.5 Using Wildcards to make Query

You need not always specify the criteria for a query. You can use wild cards such as:at oa
Wild card Description Implication
_ Underscore To match a single character.
% Percent To match any string of multiple characters.
  • Using %

    For instance, if you have to check the messages relating to one particular loans product LD01, you can query for records with reference number like %LD01% since all the contract reference numbers with that product invariably contain that string.

    Once you click the Accept button and make a query, the Outgoing Message Browser screen displays all the free format texts.

  • Using And

    When you are searching for strings of specific length which vary in only one character – for instance, all branches like 001, 002, 003 – can be represented as 00_. Searching for 00_ fetches all the messages for all these three branches.