1.3 Settlement Instructions Sequence

In Oracle Lending, the settlement instructions maintained are resolved in the following sequence:

During the upload of FT contracts, if the offset account for the transactions are not provided in the upload details. The system resolves the offset account from the settlement instructions maintained for the product, counterparty, currency, branch, and module details of the uploaded transaction.

Table 1-7 Settlement Instruction Sequence

Level Sequence No Counterparty CCY Module Product Branch
1 Sequence No Counterparty CCY MOD Product Branch
2 Sequence No Counterparty CCY MOD Product ALL
3 Sequence No Counterparty CCY MOD ALL Branch
4 Sequence No Counterparty CCY MOD ALL ALL
5 Sequence No Counterparty CCY ALL ALL Branch
6 Sequence No Counterparty CCY ALL ALL ALL
7 Sequence No Counterparty ALL MOD Product Branch
8 Sequence No Counterparty ALL MOD Product ALL
9 Sequence No Counterparty ALL MOD ALL Branch
10 Sequence No Counterparty ALL MOD ALL ALL
11 Sequence No Counterparty ALL ALL ALL Branch
12 Sequence No Counterparty ALL ALL ALL ALL
13 Sequence No ALL CCY MOD Product Branch
14 Sequence No ALL CCY MOD Product ALL
15 Sequence No ALL CCY MOD ALL Branch
16 Sequence No ALL CCY MOD ALL ALL
17 Sequence No ALL CCY ALL ALL Branch
18 Sequence No ALL CCY ALL ALL ALL
19 Sequence No ALL ALL MOD Product Branch
20 Sequence No ALL ALL MOD Product ALL
21 Sequence No ALL ALL MOD ALL Branch
22 Sequence No ALL ALL MOD ALL ALL
23 Sequence No ALL ALL ALL ALL Branch
24 Sequence No ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL