4.26 Amending an SLT Contract

You can amend the details of a trade contract in the Secondary Loan Trading - Draft Trade screen. You need to select Modify from the menu.

You also need to select the contract reference number of the trade contract you want to modify.

Click Ok to save the details and display the Secondary Loan Trading – Draft Trade (TLDTDUPL) screen.

In this screen, you can make the necessary modifications to the contract details. You need to select Submit option to save the modifications and process the record further.

You can make amendments on a trade, only before the trade gets settled. For trade amendments that happen before trade settlement, if the funding memo is already generated, then the funding memo gets regenerated after the amendment.

For amendments being carried out in Loans QT, any of the following actions can happen in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending, based on the nature of the amendment:
  • Normal Trade Amendment (TAMD) - this type of amendment is carried out if the amendments in Loans QT do not impact the position, WAC, PNL, or trade settlement.
  • Cancellation of the existing position and booking new position (TCNC and TAMD) - this type of amendment is carried out if the amendments in Loans QT impact the position, WAC, PNL or trade settlements, but with no changes to the Trade product, CUSIP, Ticket Id and Position Identifier
  • Cancellation (TCNC) and reversal of the existing trade and rebooking the trade (TREV and TBOK) - this type of amendment is carried out if the amendments in Loans QT impact the position, WAC, PNL, trade settlements, Trade product, CUSIP, Ticket Id or Position Identifier.
If the amendment details flow in from Loans QT after trade settlement you need to manually reverse the trade settlement and fee settlements and reprocess the trade amendment.

If the trade amount amendment in Loans QT happens due to commitment reduction/increase or PIK, the new trade amount gets saved as a new version of the trade contract.

The following table lists the fields that can be received as amendment from Loans QT and the corresponding action that takes place in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending:
OBCL Field Corresponding Loans QT Field Remarks Amendment Allowed Through Draft Trade OBCL Process
External Ref No TradeI Should come from LQT, however in the absence of the Interface, Users will key in the unique value NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Contract Ref No   Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Generated Ref No NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
User Ref No   User Input Ref No in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Custom Ref No   Populated in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Version   Oracle Banking Corporate Lending Version    
Ticket ID TicketI   NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Desk DeskC   NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Legal Vehicle LegalVehicleI   NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Expense Code FirmAcctI Expense Code YES Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
CUSIP MIAltI/Loan- DealI   YES Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Position identifier     YES  
Firm Account Mnemonic     YES  
Trade Product   Populates in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending NO Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Deal Type DistributionC Assignment/ Participation YES Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade
Trade Type TradeTypeC CUST/ACCM YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment if the trade amended from CUST to ACCM. It Reverse the existing trade and rebook the new trade in case amended from ACCM to CUST.
Buy Sell indicator TransTypeC Buy or Sell YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment
Counterparty CptyAcctI   YES Trade Amendment
TradeAmount ProductQty   YES Trade Amendment
Trade Currency SettleCurrC   YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment
Trade Price TradeProdPriceA   YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment
Booking Date   Oracle Banking Corporate Lending System Date No  
Trade Date TradeD   YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment
Expected Settlement Date ExpectedSettleD   YES Trade Amendment
Settlement Date   Oracle Banking Corporate Lending will update it on actual Settlement No Actual Settlement date to be keyed in only during the funding memo generation / Trade settlement
BrokerID SalesID   YES Trade Amendment
Broker Fee Rate   Rate will be accepted for Brokerage Fee and Line Accomodation Fees. YES Trade Amendment or Fee Amendment
Swap ID   Details of SWAP upload table is provided later YES Cancellation of existing position and Trade amendment
Fee Type FeeTypeC ASSN/LINE. One instance of each fee is allowed. DCF does not come from LQT andit is populated during Trade upload based on the Prod Maintenance YES Trade Amendment or Fee Amendment
Assignment Fee Type Assignment- FeeC   YES Trade Amendment or Fee Amendment
Assignment Fee Remitter   Needs to come from LQT YES Trade Amendment
Fee Amount     YES Trade Amendment or Fee Amendment
Agency ID     YES Trade Amendment
Quotation InterestC FLAT/SWOA. No processing diff b/n FLAT & SWOA except for the DCF applicability YES Trade Amendment until expected settlement date
Settlement Mnemonic details     YES Trade Amendment
Remarks Comments   YES Trade Amendment
The fields with Amendment Allowed Through Draft Trade value specified as Yes can be amended in the Draft Trade screen. For the other fields, you need to reverse the trade and re-book a new trade.
Any amendment which results in the change of position/ PnL/ WAC reverses and rebook the trade and system triggers the following events:
  • TCNC – to cancel the position of the current version of the trade.
  • TREV – to reverse the existing trade with current reference number.
  • TBOK – to book the same trade again (with modifications) and a new reference number with the revised fields.
The steps for the amendment of CUSIP/ ISIN and Firm Account Mnemonic are as follows:
  • Cancellation of position,
    • System calculates the total commitment reduction applied on the trade and this impact is negated by internal amendment.
    • The total PIK amount applied on the trade is identified and its impact is negated by internal amendment.
    • After this, system triggers the TCNC event to cancel the position.
  • Reversal of the trade,
    • System triggers the TREV event to reverse the trade with the old reference number.
  • Rebook of the trade,
    • System triggers the TBOK event to reverse the trade with the old reference number. The new trade is created with the amended fields.
    • The commitment reduction amount and the PIK amount previously the applied on the trade is re-applied on the new trade by internal amendment.
If the CUSIP/ISIN is changed as part of the amendment, then, system does not automatically trigger the reversal and rebook of trade as the commitment reduction and PIK details for the new CUSIP/ISIN are not available. Therefore, you should apply the commitment reduction and PIK on the new trade through manual amendment.


  • You can change multiple fields as part of one amendment.
  • Trade amendment is not allowed on the reversed trade after trade settlement.
The following fields are sent as the trade settlement acknowledgement message to Loans QT as a tilde (~) separated list:
Field Desscription
TransType Default value SETTLEMENT
TransID LQT Transaction ID
TransActionCode Default value ORIG
OrigSys Default value Oracle Banking Corporate Lending
DestSys Default value LQT
Ticket LQT Ticket ID
SettledDate Actual settlement Date
UserID User ID who settled the trade
UserSettledTimeStamp Actual settlement Date & Timestamp
FlexSettledFlag Default value P
TradeID LQT Trade ID
FundMnemonic LQT Counterparty mnemonic

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