7.1.2 Events

The following table lists the events that can be linked to an SLT product.
Event Remarks
TBOK This event is triggered on the date the SLT contract is booked.
TSTL This event is triggered on the Settlement Date that is, the date on which the user manually initiates Liquidation of the contract.
FMEM This event is triggered whenever funding memo is to be generated.
SGEN This event is triggered when Payment message needs to be generated settlement days before the payment date.
RSTL Reversal of Trade Settlement (TSTL) event.
TAMD This event is triggered whenever a SLT deal (contract) is amended.

This event is triggered to offset the position and PNL. Any user initiated activity requiring the offsetting of the position and PNL based on the current trade details fires the TCNC event.

TCNC event occurs on the following instances:
  • Reversal of the trade.
  • Trade amendment for certain fields such as Buy/Sell, Trade Type, Trade date, Trade price, and so on. In these cases the existing trade position and PNL details should be offset before considering the revised trade details for the position and PNL tracking.
TREV This event would be triggered whenever a SLT deal (contract) is Reversed.
FLIQ Fee Liquidation in case of any FEE settlement after the trade settlement.
FACR This event is triggered as part of the Accrual event for Fees (The accrual of Delayed Compensation Fees is triggered in this event).
FAMD FEE amendment to allow the FEE component details before its liquidation.
REVL Revaluation (EOD)
RRVL Reversal of Revaluation (BOD)
RESV This event is triggered on the month-end (or the day preceding the month-end if month-end is a holiday).
RMEM Reversal of Funding memo (before trade settlement.
TCKT This event is triggered during ticket settlement save.
FREV Reversal of fee liquidation event.
TELV This event is triggered on elevation of trade (deal type) from participation of to assignment.