3.1 Introduction

In this topic, you can define attributes specific to a Secondary Loan Trading product.

You can create an SLT product and maintain basic information relating to the product such as the product code, description, product type and so on, in the Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition screen.

To capture details of secondary loan trade - product definition screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDPRMNT and click next arrow.
    The Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 3-1 Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition

    Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition

  2. You can enter below details in Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 3-1 Secondary Loan Trade - Product Definition

    Field Description
    Product Code Specify a unique identification code for the SLT product.
    Product Module The product module displays a default value LT indicating Secondary Loan Trading.
    Product Type Select the type of the SLT product from the drop-down list. The following options are provided:
    • Trade
    • Position Product
    Description Specify a suitable description for the product.
    Product Slogan Specify a slogan for promoting the product.
    Product Group Select the group to which the product belongs from the option list provided.
    Start Date Specify the date on which the product becomes effective.
    End Date Specify the date on which the product ceases to be effective.
    Format Name Select the format name to be used to generate the customer reference number.
    Remarks Specify additional remarks regarding the SLT product, if any.
    For an SLT product, you can define generic attributes such as branch, currency, customer restrictions, and so on, by clicking on the appropriate icon in the horizontal array of icons in this screen. In addition to these generic attributes, you can define attributes specifically for an SLT product. These attributes are discussed in detail in this topic.
    For further information on these generic product attributes, refer the following Oracle Banking Corporate Lending User Manuals:
    • Products
    • Charges and Fees
    • User Defined Fields
    • Settlements
    This topic contains following sub-topics: