2.6.4 Portfolio Resolution

System derives the expense code and the desk code, and then fetches the portfolio which is mapped to the expense code, resolved desk code, branch code, and firm account mnemonic.

System then performs the following validations/processing.
  • Once the expense code is derived, system fetches the Position Identifier from the SLT Position balance screen, based on the CUSIP, expense code and firm account mnemonic.
  • System checks if the position (settled or unsettled) is non-zero for any of the mapped position identifiers, then that position identifier is used to resolve the trade portfolio, and further processing is done.
  • If no position is found or the position (settled and unsettled) is zero, then system fetches the portfolio which is mapped to the expense code, resolved desk code, firm account, and the branch code, then the same is taken as trade portfolio and further processing is done.
This processing is performed only for non-CLP trades so that trades do not go for manual enrichment. However, there are no changes for CLP trades, so manual enrichment is required.