4.10 Querying Position Balances

Positions are maintained for each CUSIP for a combination of desk, branch, expense code, and swap Id/settlement party in case of silent participation. The positions get updated when you book a trade and also when any amendment happens to the trade amount or the buy/sell indicator.

A buy deal results in an open position which gets reduced by a subsequent sell of the CUSIP. A short sell results in a negative position. Position for a CUSIP, can be negative due to short sells, before the settlement date. On the actual settlement date a CUSIP cannot have a negative position.

You can view the position balances for a given position identifier in the Position Balances screen.

To capture details of position balances screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDPOSBL and click next arrow.
    The Position Balances screen is displayed.
  2. Select Position Identifier option for which you want to view position balances for the associated CUSIP.
    Following details related to the CUSIP associated with the position identifier selected, are displayed:
    • Currency
    • Tranche Ref number
    • Facility Name
    • Expense Code
    • Settled position
    • Unsettled position
    • Total position
    • Weighted average costing for the total position of CUSIP
    • Settled WAC for the combination of Position Identifier, CUSIP and Expense code
    • HFS Cost Basis
    • Firm Account Mnemonic
    Commitment reduction and PIK amounts are considered for computing settled WAC, at the prices of 100% and zero respectively. The remaining trade amounts are considered at the trade price. The settled WAC is calculated for the net trade amount using the trade price, during trade settlement or reversal of trade settlement. Settled WAC is calculated for all the costing methods (LIFO, FIFO, and WAC) and is applicable for internal trades also.


    Settled WAC is not used for any processing in SLT. It is used only for funding activities.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: