4.17.4 Specifying Fee Details

You can specify the assignment fee details during ticket settlement in the Assignment Fee Details screen.

To capture details of fee details screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. From the Homepage, navigate to Ticket Settlement screen.
  2. From the Ticket Settlement screen, click Fee.
    The Fee Details screen is displayed.

    Figure 4-35 Fee Details

    Fee Details

  3. You can enter the following details in Fee Details screen. For information on fields, refer to the field description table.

    Table 4-31 Fee Details

    Field Description
    Counterparty Specify the counterparty for which you want to maintain. The adjoining option list displays all the counterparties from all the trades under the ticket. You can select the appropriate one.
    Currency Specify the currency for which you want to maintain. The adjoining option list displays all the currencies that are maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

    If the selected currency for a particular trade and counterparty combination can be different from trade currency

    • Ticket ID: TIK1
    • Contract Ref No: TR1 (where trade currency is USD)
    • Counterparty: C1
    • Currency: GBP (selected in Fee sub-screen)

      The same fee currency cannot be selected more than once for a given counterparty

    • Consider Ticket ID TIK1 with two underlying trades TR1 and TR2, with the same Counterparty C1 and trade currency USD and GBP respectively

      Consider Ticket ID TIK1 with two underlying trades TR1 and TR2, with the same Counterparty C1 and trade currency USD and GBP respectively

    • Ticket ID: TIK1
    • Contract Ref No: TR1 (where trade currency is USD)
    • Counterparty: C1
    • Currency : GBP (selected in Fee sub-screen)
    • Ticket ID: TIK1
    • Contract Ref No: TR2 (where trade currency is GBP)
    • Counterparty: C1
    • Currency : GBP (selected in Fee sub-screen)

      For a combination of counterparty and currency, only one trade is allowed to select for posting Assignment fee currency. For a particular Contract Ref No that is. trade, only a single posting of assignment fee is allowed.

    • Continuing the above example, if user defines a fee record as follows system does not allow Contract Ref No. TR1 to be selected for a subsequent record.
    • Ticket ID: TIK1
    • Contract Ref No: TR1 (where trade currency is USD)
    • Counterparty: C1
    • Currency: USD (selected in Fee sub-screen)
    Trade Reference no Specify the trade reference number for which you want to maintain. The adjoining option list displays the list of trade reference numbers for the selected counterparty under the ticket. You can select the appropriate one.
    Assignment fee remitter The system defaults the value when you select the of trade reference number. However, you can change this value by choosing – Buyer or Seller.
    Assignment Fee Type Select the assignment fee remitter from the adjoining option list. The following are the options that get displayed:
    • BUYER
    • SELLER
    • SPLIT
    Amount Specify the fee amount.
    Buyer’s Split Amount You can specify the amount for each counterparty, currency combination.
    Seller’s Split Amount You can specify the amount for each counterparty, currency combination. Whereas if the assignment fee type is Buyer, Seller or SPLIT, the following validations need to be followed:
    • If the assignment fee type is SPLIT, Amount field is not enabled and the value are defaulted as the sum of buyer’s and seller’s split.
    • If the assignment fee type is Buyer or Seller, the fields – Buyer’s Split Amount and Seller’s Split Amount is disabled. In this case, amount is mandatory.
    • If the assignment fee type is SPLIT, the fields Buyer’s Split Amount and Seller’s Split Amount are mandatory.