4.5.5 Specifying SSI Mnemonics

You can capture currency-wise SSI mnemonics in the SSI Mnemonics screen.

To capture details of SSI mnemonic screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to Trade Online screen.

  1. From the Trade Online screen, click SSI.
    The SSI Mnemonic screen is displayed.
  2. The basic trade details associated with the trade contract are defaulted in this screen.

    If assignment fee is involved in a trade contract, you can capture the SSI mnemonic for the currency of the agent, to whom the assignment fee needs to be paid.

    Table 4-11 Agent Mnemonic Details

    Field Description
    SSI Mnemonic Select the SSI mnemonic value to be linked to the agent currency, from the option list provided.
    You can also capture the SSI mnemonics for the currencies associated with different counterparties involved in the trade deal.

    Table 4-12 Trade Counterparties

    Field Description
    Ccy Select the currency associated with the trade counterparty from the option list provided.
    SSI Mnemonic Select the SSI mnemonic value to be linked to the currency associated with the trade counterparty, from the option list.
    Remarks Specify any additional information about the mnemonics details.