6.2.1 Viewing LB Handoff Details

You can view the status of the hand-offs from LB to the SLT module in the LB-TL Interface Browser screen.

To capture details of LS-LT interface browser screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type LBDSLTIB and click next arrow.
    The LS-LT Interface screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.
  2. You can view the following details in LS-LT Interface screen.
    • Borrower contract details like the contract reference number, currency, event sequence number, and event code.
    • Participant contract details like the contract reference number and processing date.
    • Corresponding SLT contract details like the external trade reference number, trade reference number and processing status
    The processing status can have any of the following values:
    • Extracted - indicating that handoff has failed.
    • Handoff - indicating successful handoff.
    • Failed - failed to create SLT trade from upload.
    • Reprocess - selected for reprocessing.
    • Processed - successfully created SLT trade from upload.
    You can unlock the Failed records and change the processing status to Reprocess to select the contract for re-processing. Once the details are saved and authorized, the status in LT upload table changes to Submit for the record marked for Reprocess in the Interface Browser screen. The records with Submit status are picked up by SLT job to create the trade contracts.


    You can view the errors associated with a contract. The PRAM/NP VAMI gets fired internally for each of the underlying drawdown for both Pro-rata and Non Pro-rata tranches where the seller is the active participant.
    If the bank is non - lead agent, external (non-bank) parties are allowed in the non-lead agency contract. This is applicable only for participation type of trades. PRAM is triggered on the nonlead agency contract to transfer the participation amount from bank entity to the buyer.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: