6.3.1 Viewing SLT Handoff Details

You can view the status of the hand-offs from SLT to the LB module in the SLT-LB Interface Browser screen.

To capture details of TLS- LB interface browser screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

  1. On the homepage, type TLDLDIFB and click next arrow.
    The TLS- LB Interface Browser Detailed screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 6-8 TLS- LB Interface Browser

  2. You can view the following details in TLS- LB Interface Browser Detailed screen.
    • SLT trade details like the trade reference number, event sequence number, settlement date, counterparty, ticket id, and buy/sell indicator.
    • Corresponding agency contract details like contract reference number, processing date, event code and the processing status.
  3. The processing status can have any of the following values:
    • Extraction – Indicates that the upload tables to initiate appropriate events on agency contract, are not populated successfully.
    • Handoff - Indicates that the upload tables to initiate appropriate events on agency contract, are populated successfully.
    • Failure - Indicates that upload tables are populated but event at agency has failed to execute, due to some error.
    • Processed - Indicates that the SLT-LB handoff has been successful.
    • Reprocess - Indicates that the handoff has been marked for reprocess after the necessary corrections at agency level.
    • Mark Handoff - You can unlock the failed record and click 'Mark Handoff' to change the processing status from Failed to Handoff. This is applicable only for failed records.


    The agency contracts having status Handoff or Reprocess are taken up for further processing as a background job process. For contracts in Extraction status, you need to make corrective actions according to the exception log that is displayed. You can view the exception log associated with the contract.
    While processing, the system checks if the trade is a Pro-rata tranches or Non Pro-rata tranches. Then the system arrive the drawdown PRAM/ NP VAMI amounts based on the following:
    • pro-rata basis (for pro-rata tranches)
    • buyer’s share for the individual drawdowns (for the non pro-rata tranches)
    The PRAM/NP VAMI amount for a Tranche/DD is Buyer’s share amount available in Agency Details Input screen.

    After making necessary corrections, you need to unlock the concerned record in the SLT-LB Interface Browser screen and change the status to Processed.

    For contracts in Failed status, you need to make the necessary corrections in LB and then update the status in the browser screen as Reprocess.


    For inter-desk trades, SLT to LB handoff is done only for buy trades.
    This topic contains following sub-topics: