Agency Wrapper Processing Changes for Lead Tranche

  1. When a trade is settled with the new field Trade Standard as LMA / LSTA and the trade is linked to a lead tranche, instead of adding an external participant, the system adds a silent participant in the lead tranche like the existing functionality.
  2. Agency wrapper handoff process is enhanced to handoff the LMA Participation / LSTA Participation field from the linked trade contract.
  3. While processing the Agency wrapper STP, the system adds the external participant to wrapper tranche and value for LMA Participation / LSTA Participation field is defaulted from handoff data.
  4. External participant is not added in the lead tranche. STP processing to OL and new changes for accounting in OL happens from the wrapper tranche linked to lead tranche.


No changes are envisaged in the LT processing of buy and participation trades as well as buy / sell and assignment trades and the same continues to work.