4.12 Agent CIF and Mnemonic Details Maintenance

You can maintain the Agent CIF and Mnemonic details using the Origination Agent CIF and Mnemonic Maintenance screen

Specify the User ID and Password, and login to Homepage.

From the Homepage, navigate to LB Tranche Contract Online screen.

  1. From the LB Tranche Contract Online screen, click Agent CIF.
    The Origination Agent CIF and Mnemonic Maintenance screen is displayed.


    The fields which are marked in asterisk red are mandatory fields.

    Figure 4-85 Origination Agent CIF and Mnemonic Maintenance

  2. The following contract details are displayed from the contract screen here:
    • Product code
    • Contract Ref No
    • User Ref No
    • Customer
    • Facility Name
    You can specify the following details:
    • Agent

      Select the agent from the list of valid customer numbers provided. The name of the selected agent number gets displayed.

      The currency belonged to the selected agent gets displayed and you can map the mnemonic against it.
    • SSI Mnemonic

      Specify the mnemonic for the selected currency from the list of valid mnemonic provided.

      Agent CIF or Mnemonic maintenance done as part of tranche amendment have no effect in any of the existing origination contract and is applicable only for the new origination booking through STP. Maintaining the appropriate Agent CIF depending on whether the tranche is a Lead or Non-Lead is completely have no validations.

      You can add new currency and mnemonic for that currency and applicable only for new originations booking through STP. While copying the tranche contract, system does not copy the Agent CIF details from the previous contract. Maintaining the appropriate Agent CIF depending on whether the tranche is a Lead or Non-Lead is completely operationally controlled and the system does not perform any validations here.

      If the Agency branch is different from the Self participant branch and if Agent CIF/Currency/ Mnemonic maintenance is not available then the system continues to book the origination contract without Agent CIF and mnemonic is picked up by normal settlement pickup logic based on the settlement maintenance for the customer and the same can be amended at a later stage by doing the origination contract amendment.